The science of Iridology dates back to the mid 1600’s, but the originator of modern iridology is the Hungarian physician, Dr. Ignatz von Peczely (1826-1911). The science is based on the analysis of one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole body – the iris. It is a method whereby the practitioner can tell, from markings or signs in the iris, the reflex condition of various organs and systems of the body. Iridology does not name disease, but rather it helps identify existing or potential problems.
Iridology helps identify the status of the body’s tissues. It can provide clarity when piecing together the information provided in the intake. Iridology also identifies inherently weak areas of the body – predetermined by genetics to be the areas that will break down the quickest when stressed. This gives us an invaluable opportunity to tailor our environment and lifestyle habits to support and nourish these tissues, long before any manifestation of disease.
There are some people who will always be vulnerable in certain inherently weak areas of the body. The analysis of the iris can indicate those who are subject to trouble with their kidneys or lungs for example. It can give a very good picture of the strength of the bowel, and whether or not the person’s digestive problems are related to spasms or strictures in the bowel. The iris tells us if there is lymphatic congestion, or anemia. There are countless examples of how this science can provide a valuable tool to getting to the root cause of disease.
A camera that is designed specifically for this purpose is used to take a high quality shot of the iris. It only takes a moment, and there is no discomfort. The picture is uploaded to a computer whereby the practitioner can begin the analysis.